Hilary Marshall

About me


I qualified as a person-centred, integrative psychotherapist in 2006 and spent 9 years of my career in drug and alcohol recovery programmes. I have specific training in adolescent and children’s counselling and have worked with the children’s counselling charity FEGANS.  I also have specialised training in couples counselling. 

I have worked with young people and children in a variety of school environments and outdoor therapeutic spaces. I consider children and young people to be one of my specialist areas as well as couples counselling and adult addictive behaviours.

However, people are not defined by their presenting struggles and this has led me to work in many different contexts of life experiences and personal pain. For example, abuse, bereavement, abandonment and trauma are all reasons for a child or teenager self-harming, having panic attacks, feeling depressed, drinking alcohol, taking illicit drugs or other struggles. This means I have worked with many different life issues.

I have also worked with the first 3 steps of the Minnesota AA 12 steps programme and have witnessed the benefits of people doing these steps.

From 2011 until 2021 I was registered and accredited with BACP (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists). I have changed to ACC accreditation (Association of Christian Counsellors) because I want to offer holistic therapy where a person’s spirituality can be more easily acknowledged. As I am a person-centred therapist this aspect is client led and you are free to explore spirituality in a different context other than a Christian based one or, alternatively, to choose to focus on other aspects of yourself.

I ran a poetry club in London for three years. This was where people of different ages and backgrounds came to share their love of poetry. I found the sessions were naturally therapeutic and I have a particular interest in writing as a way of improving mental health. 

Spiritual Direction

I qualified as a Franciscan Spiritual Director in 2017 and I am interested in the way science and religion are increasingly connecting with each other as one, holistic story. 
I have witnessed the beauty of faith communities where love and concern for the other is at their heart. Sadly, I’ve also seen the damage and pain a religious community can create when unhealthy power and control is practiced. 
I have studied world religions and worked with people of different world faiths and no faith. 



I have more than 10 years of experience as a foster carer, a youth worker and a qualified primary and secondary school teacher. I find it beneficial having experience of children and young people in different contexts as well as a therapeutic one. 

Contact me

My address is:

Hilary Marshall
Barn Hordlands
EX39 5PR

Call: 07572929606

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We are not headed toward a single goal: we are on a pilgrimage to the centre of our hearts.

Dr. Barbara Holmes

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